I started by ordering some modding bits from some dual 4" CCFL's, screws, Molexes and 3-pin motherboard headers - I had a plan, see. Whilst KOS-MOS' wires were going to be red I didn't want a forest of mess in the case, so I decided to reduce it with a small power board that would let me power four blue LED fans, two CCFL inverters and the door light off a single Molex. This is achieved by simply splitting the 5v and 12v lines into multiple 3-pin headers.

Here is my simple power board, made from basic breadboard. Time to move onto the LED fans...

Splitting the three wires, I hacked off the controller wire and de-soldered the 5v and negative wires off the PCB. I then re-soldered the red replacements back onto the board before popping them back in and running the wire around to the power board I made earlier.
Now with that all done and out of the way it's time to wire all the lighting up to the small powerboard that I installed behind the FDD rack where it can't be seen.
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